Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 305 لترجمة التطبيقات - نسخة قابلة للطباعة +- الدعم العربي ( +-- قسم : :: . + المنتديات التقنية + . :: ( +--- قسم : منتديات التقنيه ( +---- قسم : منتدى البرامــج العامــة المشروحة ( +---- الموضوع : Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 305 لترجمة التطبيقات (/thread-11948.html) |
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 305 لترجمة التطبيقات - zbaq - 2010-05-10 Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 305
الشركة: السعر: € 1,999 يورو برنامج شهير لترجمة التطبيقات و البرامج في نسخة الشركات و الاعمال الاخيرة عدل التطبيق الذي تريد بثلاث خطوات سهلة افتح التطبيق بواسطة البرنامج و الذي يدعم C++ Builder, Delphi, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Java, or Windows binary files, or with XLIFF, or with your .NET assembly و يعمل في بيئة HTML, HTML Help (.chm) and XML و الملفات النصية الصيغ المدعومة .NET assembly file .NET assembly file such as an application (.exe) or a library (.dll) file .NET resource file .NET resource files (.resx). CodeGear .NET project file CodeGear Developer Studio project file (.bdsproj) CodeGear .NET project group file CodeGear Developer Studio project group file (.bdsgroup) C++ Builder binary file Windows PE file (.exe, .dll, .bpl, .ocx) that has been compiled with C++Builder (Win32) and uses VCL component library Delphi binary file Windows PE file (.exe, .dll, .bpl, .ocx) that has been compiled with Delphi (Win32) Embedded Visual Basic project file Embedded Visual Basic project file HTML (and variants) file HTML file (.html, .htm) and other files that use HTML markup language such as ASP, JSP and PHP files. Ini (and variants) file Ini file (.ini) and other file that uses section/key format such as InstallShield string table file (.shl) Java archive file Jar file (.jar) that contains resource (.properties) files Java resource file Java resource file (.properties or .java) or files JBuilder project file JBuilder project file (.jpx, .jpr) PO/POT/MO file Linux/GNU gettext files ReportBuilder file ReportBuilder report file (.rtm) Source code file Source code file (.c, .cpp, .pas, .vb, .java, .bas, etc) Text file Text file (.txt) that contains key/value lines Windows binary file Windows PE file (.exe, .dll, .ocx) that has been compiled with a C/C++ compiler and uses standard Win32 resources such as dialog boxes, menus, and string resources. Windows resource file Windows resource file (.rc, .rc2) Visual Basic binary file Windows PE file (.exe, .dll, .ocx) that has been compiled with Visual Basic (Win32) Visual Basic form file Visual Basic (Win32) form file Visual Basic project file Visual Basic (Win32) project file Visual Studio .NET project file Visual Studio .NET project file (.csproj, .vbproj) containing a managed code project (e.g. C# or Visual Basic) Visual Studio .NET solution file Visual Studio .NET solution file (.sln) XLIFF file XML Localization Interchange File Format file XML file XML file CHM file HTML Help (Enterprise Edition) TMX file Translation Memory Exchange files can not only be used as translation memory but also localized themself. و هذه الاصدارة يمكنها الوصول الى تطبيقات الويب مباشرة و الكثير من المزايا الاخرى و هذه صورة من جهازي لشرح بسيط و اثبات الترجمة ============================================================== للتحميل: |