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Spiderman 240,320Modified bY-Mr-Faris-mEnPDA

[صورة: 1.gif]

Webslinger S60

لجوالات الـ N73 و N93

Spiderman Webslinger 240,320Modified bY-Mr-Faris-mEnPDA

[صورة: 01-17-071.jpg]

Whisper it quietly, but the best thing about Spider-Man – whether we're talking about the comic books, games or movies – is the web-swinging bits.
Game developer Hands-On Mobile has clearly realised this, and its new Spidey game ditches all the other stuff in favour of pure string-based action. Spider-Man Webslinger has you swinging through New York scoring as many points as possible by pressing up, down, left or right when specified by your – oh yes – swingometer

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[صورة: 3.gif]
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الردود في هذا الموضوع
Spiderman 240,320Modified bY-Mr-Faris-mEnPDA - بواسطة Mr-Faris - 2007-09-13, 10:00 PM
Re: Spiderman 240,320Modified bY-Mr-Faris-mEnPDA - بواسطة Pepo - 2007-10-14, 03:03 AM

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يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 4 ) ضيف كريم