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برنامج اللعب بالصور وإضافة التأثيرات عليها PhotoWings v.2.2

Sunios PhotoWings v.2.2 symbianOS S60 3rd.Unsigned. -arabic-mEnPDA

[صورة: pwab6.gif]

Pattern Recognition Image Processing + 39 + perfect combination of a fully functional photos

cartoon and facial expressions

[صورة: image2.jpg]

Functional presentations : intelligent automatic positioning photos figures face and shoulders, and carried out various expressions, faces changes experience the life of the Scherzo

[صورة: Image4.jpg]

Exquisite picture frames, framed and Shading, modification of the
transient life

[صورة: Image3.jpg]

Full-function photo correction, the best photos show the effect of the pictures, the quest for a perfect life

the use of PhotoWings PhotoNova, your choice of the best photos as close as possible as a positive figure and the head of the screen characters share not too small; Under such circumstances, the characters head and facial features of the recognition rate can reach 90% more, the results will be better, You can also use more convenient.

[COLOR="Black"]Compatible Devices:[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Olive"]N71 N73 3250 5500 5700 6110 6290
N75 N76 N77 N80 N91 N92 N93 N75 N76 N77 N80 N91 N 92 N93
N95 E50 E60 E61 E62 E65 E70 N95 E50 E60 E61 E62
Older E70 [/COLOR]

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الردود في هذا الموضوع
برنامج اللعب بالصور وإضافة التأثيرات عليها PhotoWings v.2.2 - بواسطة Mr-Faris - 2007-09-13, 10:15 PM

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