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Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures
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Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures

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نبذة عن الكتاب
Performing a surgical operation must be one of the most complex motor tasks undertaken by humans. To the student rotating on a third-year clerkship, or to the resident beginning a surgical career, the complexity can no doubt be daunting. It is the goal of this handbook to try to bring some degree of order to the complexity, focusing on many of the common operations in general, plastic, thoracic, and vascular surgery, and in organ transplantation. We have done so by dividing each procedure into specific and well-defined steps.
Research originating in the 1950s explored whether teaching a novice to perform a skill is best accomplished by having the learner perform the entire skill (called the “whole training method”) or first practice the parts of the skill (called the “part-whole method”). It was concluded that certain types of skills were more efficiently learned using the latter method. As novices gain proficiency in the various steps (or subroutines) of a skill, their ability to more fluidly chain the steps together increases. Learning complex skills by practicing its sub-skills continues to be supported today by educational learning theories and practices.
A master surgeon brings flow and continuity to an operation which may make the procedure appear to be an indivisible whole, but in fact all operations are composed of a series of steps. Mastery comes from practicing each step repeatedly until competence is obtained and then integrating the steps into a whole. Accomplished surgeons not only do each step well, but also have a clear mental image of the progression of the steps and their interdependency.
Unlike the music student, who may study with a single teacher for an extended period of time, medical students and residents often scrub with several surgeon-teachers, all of whom have their particular approach to a given operation. For the advanced student, such variety of experience may be enriching, but for the novice, the variety of approaches can be confusing. In this book, we hope to provide the beginner with a framework that can serve as a baseline and against which real-life experiences can be measured. One of our goals in creating this book was to make it portable, so that it could be used anywhere when a few minutes were available. Landes Bioscience has made this possible and created an attractive and convenient format for the material
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معلومات الكتاب
Northwestern Handbook Of Surgical Procedures
Product Details
* Paperback: 341 pages
* Publisher: Landes Bioscience (November 8, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 1570596840
* Price: $55.00
* Format: PDF
* Size: 11.0 MB
الحجم الإجمالي تقريباً:11 ميجا
نوع الملف: ملف محول pdf بي دي اف
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الردود في هذا الموضوع
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures - بواسطة islamsahly - 2009-04-27, 03:46 PM
RE: Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures - بواسطة Dr.Desmond - 2009-04-30, 11:47 AM

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