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آخر اصدار سليم من الاوفس و بدون مشاكل Microsoft Office 2007 Blue Edition نسخة كاملة
آخر اصدار سليم من الاوفس و بدون مشاكل Microsoft Office 2007 Blue Edition نسخة كاملة

[صورة: rwtmz410.jpg]

كود :
Office Professional 2007 helps professionals work faster, stay organized, and manage contacts and customer information in one place. Visualize data more effectively; forecast, track, and manage projects and opportunities; and produce professional-quality marketing materials entirely in-house. Discover the quickest way to find, organize, analyze, and use all the information you need to succeed.

This suite also offers these two great programs:
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager: Add complete contact management capabilities to Office Outlook 2007 so you can organize your accounts, centralize critical business information, and improve customer service across your organization.

Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007: An essential tool for managing your business finances. Whether you're a home-based business or a small business, you can now manage your finances from a simple program-and eliminate paperwork clutter.

There's quite a big chance that you've never heard of this Blue Edition, because - it is only available to equipment manufacturers and not to the general public.

This is the copy from the original disk, which is (as said before) only accessible to technicians of Microsoft. This version of Microsoft Office 2007 will never appear for sale, since this is the only version where there is no need for a serial. This version also doesn't need an activation. The installer is very simple, undetailed and handy. The interface of application is completely changed, it is modernized and practically reminds in no way to the previous versions.In a few minutes the software will be installed on your computer, without any questions or other things that slow down the installation.
Office Enterprise 2007 is the most complete Microsoft toolset provided for people who must collaborate with others and work with information efficiently, regardless of location or network status. Office Enterprise 2007 builds on the strengths of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, adding Microsoft Office Groove 2007 and Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, enabling people to collaborate and create, manage, and use information more efficiently.

No necessity to enter serial number. Does not demand activation. Fully working.


* Microsoft Office Access 2007
* Microsoft Office Excel 2007
* Microsoft Office Groove 2007
* Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007
* Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
* Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
* Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
* Microsoft Office Publisher 2007
* Microsoft Office Word 2007

روابط التحميل: افحص جميع الروابط قبل بدأ التحميل

[صورة: 210.png]
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