تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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آخر اصدار من مضاد الفيروسات الشهير Norton Antivirus 2010 مع الكراك
آخر اصدار من مضاد الفيروسات الشهير Norton Antivirus 2010 مع الكراك

[صورة: 1znymjb.jpg]

كود :

Read all before you begin. You may want to vary the installation.

1. Uninstall any previous versions of TrialReset.
Delete and PURGE your Recycle Bin of all Trial Reset versions prior to this version.

2. Uninstall any previous Norton installations.
Norton Removal Tool 2010.0.0.98 is included, and can also be used.
Run Norton 2010 TrialReset and purge Norton remnants.
Then restart the computer.

3. Hide Norton 2010 TrialReset (USB flash drive works) before installing Norton.

4. Install your Norton product (Clean install)

5. Disable 'Norton Product Tamper Protection'.

6. Run LiveUpdate until there are no more updates. (Restart the computer if required.)

7. Disconnect internet and disable Norton AntiVirus.

8. Run Norton TrialReset 2010 v2.5.0 (as Administrator) and follow the instructions.

9. TrialReset 2010 will try to shutdown Norton and restart.
Wait for a pop up saying Installed successfully.

10. UNINSTALL TrialReset 2010 completely.
Within a year, Norton will publish a 2011 version

رابط التحميل: من هنا
شكر من طرف :
(2010-02-20, 08:56 PM)Dr.Desmond كتب : آخر اصدار من مضاد الفيروسات الشهير Norton Antivirus 2010 مع الكراك

[صورة: 1znymjb.jpg]

كود :

Read all before you begin. You may want to vary the installation.

1. Uninstall any previous versions of TrialReset.
Delete and PURGE your Recycle Bin of all Trial Reset versions prior to this version.

2. Uninstall any previous Norton installations.
Norton Removal Tool 2010.0.0.98 is included, and can also be used.
Run Norton 2010 TrialReset and purge Norton remnants.
Then restart the computer.

3. Hide Norton 2010 TrialReset (USB flash drive works) before installing Norton.

4. Install your Norton product (Clean install)

5. Disable 'Norton Product Tamper Protection'.

6. Run LiveUpdate until there are no more updates. (Restart the computer if required.)

7. Disconnect internet and disable Norton AntiVirus.

8. Run Norton TrialReset 2010 v2.5.0 (as Administrator) and follow the instructions.

9. TrialReset 2010 will try to shutdown Norton and restart.
Wait for a pop up saying Installed successfully.

10. UNINSTALL TrialReset 2010 completely.
Within a year, Norton will publish a 2011 version

رابط التحميل: من هنا

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