تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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لعبة Crash Day
وردة منى ليك مساء الخير / صباح الخير وردة منى ليك

ازيكم ؟ ان شاء الله تكونوا بخير Smile
اللعبة دي بجد من اجمل الالعاب اللى شوفتها
نشوف البوستر
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[صورة: 9glc0g.jpg]

[صورة: 312k97a.png]
Crashday - is a kind of ?all-in-One? for fans of arcade racing. Taking the best from a lot of different racing games, Crashday offers a variety of modes, of which everyone can find something that he would like: the usual race kaskaderskoe driving with a breathtaking jumps and tricks, fun contests such as ?Transmitted bomb?, fierce battles with other cars using rockets and machine guns, mini-games and much more.
Of course, not forgotten, and such important components as the physics and graphics. The physical model is sensitive to any damage or debris trails impressive pieces of broken glass, and fly off in an accident with metal fragments, and graphical excellence is reflected both in the developed routes, as well as unimaginable attractive vehicles. All of this will head to plunge into the realistic world Crashday!

Product Features:
7 game modes: elimination, stunt shows, the transfer of the bombs, holding the flag and other
Mini-games: long jump, blast machines and race for the control points
Excellent special effects, to savor the scene of accidents and injuries
Ability to save repetitive especially impressive moments
12 cars, each with the possibility of tuning, including the installation of missiles and machine guns
Career Mode - zavoyuy a name for himself in the league Crashday
Bottomhole soundtrack from Pencilcase, Lowbuz, PRO.FAC and Jan Morgenstern
Built in level editor
Playing on-line servers and network

System requirements:
Operating system Microsoft ? Windows ? 2000/XP
Processor Pentium ? 4, Athlon ? 1,5 GHz
512 MB of RAM
1 GB of free hard disk space
3D-graphics adapter with 64 MB of memory, with support for pixel and vertex shaders (NVIDIA GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 8500 or better). GeForce 2/4/MX, Intel, SIS and the like are not supported
DirectX ? 9.0c
Your CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive

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[صورة: 2nt8oew.jpg]
[صورة: 2up8dg0.jpg]
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[صورة: 2up8dg0.jpg]

[صورة: 2qj99cm.jpg]
[صورة: rkzeyq.jpg]

Password: CrashedDay

واتمني للجميع وقت ممتع ولذيذ flowerflower

وردة منى ليك [صورة: xmjxat.jpg] وردة منى ليك
[صورة: 2rc6i43.jpg]
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