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برنامج Web Page Maker 3.21 نسخة portable
نسخة portable من صانع صفحات الويب Web Page Maker 3.21

[صورة: 804afe0be4.jpeg]

كود :
Web Page Maker is an easy to use web creator that helps you make your own web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge. Just drag and drop images, text, music and video.. into a layout. During the edit process, you can easily move the objects with your mouse to anywhere on the page. Web Page Maker comes with some high quality templates that help you to get started. Other features include thumbnail, mouse-over effects, ready-to-use Java Script effects, text link style sheet, tables, forms, iframes etc… The program also includes a built-in FTP publisher to allow you upload your site to the Internet by pressing a publish button.
If you don’t know much about web design or programming, creating your own web page might seem like a daunting task. You should probably start off with a good WYSIWYG editor, simple enough that you don’t need to code anything yet packing all the tools to create good web pages. Web Page Maker is a program that will allow anybody to create a good looking website in seconds.

Web Page Maker is a WYSIWYG web editor with a quick hands-on approach and accessible features. Although it only offers three types of shapes and the navigation bar feels pretty basic, the program is a great solution for beginners who want to create their own HTML pages without getting lost in technical jargon and coding.

Main features:
• No html coding is required and you do not need any web experience.
• Drag and drop the objects. True WYSIWYG layout & design.
• You can create websites with multiple pages and easily manage your site at once.
• Create websites with multiple pages and easily manage your site at once.
• Create an unlimited number of websites (No Restrictions).
• Pre-designed website templates are included.
• The ability to import and edit an existing html page in a WYSIWYG manner.
• You can embed audio and video files directly on your site.
• You can use CSS style sheet to control how the text appears on your site.
• Hundreds of functions: thumbnail, mouse-over effects, ready-to-use Java Script effects, text link style sheet, tables, forms, iFrames and much more…
• Pre-designed website templates are included.
• Preview web pages in browser with one-click.
• Publish your web site with just one-click.
• You can publish all your pages on your site at one time with the built-in publisher function.
• Your website will be compatible with any browser, including Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, not just Internet Explorer.

System requirements
The following hardware and software is required to run Web Page Maker.

• An Intel Pentium processor or equivalent, 400 MHz or faster
• Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 95/98/ME/2000 or Windows .NET Server 2003
• At least 64 MB of available random-access memory (RAM) (256 MB recommended)
• At least 100 MB available disk space
• A16-bit (thousands of colors) monitor capable of 1024 x 768 pixel resolution or better (millions of colors recommended)
• An Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (IE6.0 or higher recommended)

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