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برنامج Microsoft Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0
برنامج Microsoft Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0

[صورة: Microsoft_Windows_Driver_Kit.jpg]

كود :
Windows Driver Kit (WDK). The WDK is a y integrated driver development system that contains the Windows Driver Device Kit (DDK) and tests for stability and reliability of Windows drivers, including the following:

Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) simplifies the development and support of Windows drivers.

Header file refactoring (Windows Vista and later versions) reduces header file complexity by providing a simpler directory structure, eliminating declaration conflicts, and using a single set of header files for all supported Windows versions.

Installable File Systems (IFS) Kit includes headers, libraries, samples, and documentation that are distributed as part of the WDK.

Verifiers and static analysis tools, such as PREfast and Static Driver Verifier, help you find bugs at compile time.

Debugging Tools for Windows. This mission-critical package supports debugging drivers, applications, and services on systems that are running the Windows family of operating systems.

Windows Logo Kit (WLK). The WLK contains everything that you need to certify devices for Windows, including Driver Test Manager (DTM) and documentation.

Size : 712 MB



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