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برنامج Unity 3D 2.6.1 2009
برنامج Unity 3D 2.6.1 2009

[صورة: 00122bee_medium.jpg]

كود :
Unity 3D 2.6.1 2009 | 167 MB
Unity - a multiplatform tool for game development, from the very beginning created to facilitate your work. Unity provides a comprehensive set of professional quality applications and "quite accidentally" contains the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars.
Key features:
The game engine Unity3D fully integrated into the development environment Unity. The tight integration allows you to directly in the editor to get everything on that will be capable released game. A simple, visual and intuitive nature of the editor makes the design of games downright pleasure.
Play, Pause and Step (Play, Pause, Step)
Click the Play button for an immediate start your game. Click on the Pause and Step forward (advance) in order to analyze in detail the complex behavior. While the game is running (or is paused), you can change the values, resources, or even scripts! This means that you have the space to experiment and more thorough testing to improve the final product - your game.
Interface time-lapse animation
Each part of each game object (position, rotation, scale, color, etc.) can be animated using the integrated interface for time-lapse animation. This is in addition to a complete character animation system.
Easy Configuration Editor
Organize your workflow using simple, specific to the editor ckripty. Extend the development environment with wizards (wizards), the options in the menu bar, context menus, and visualization facilities.
Adding menu items
Adding context menu
Creating Wizard
Visualization gizmo
Tighten all
Visually tighten the resources and objects in the editor to assign a texture, sound, behavior, and scripting variables. Create a logical hierarchy of game objects to manage and maximize the functionality of your game.
Prefaby (Prefabs)
For the organization of repeated use of complex game objects, you can turn one or more of them in Prefab. This Prefab can then be easily placed in the game or copies can be created at runtime. Any changes in the original Prefabe also apply to all dependent objects, so both large and small changes can be made very quickly for a large number of game objects.
Custom racpolozhenie elements Editor
Choose one of the many built-in options for the location of elements of the environment on the screen or create your own. For different tasks can be more suitable location of the various options, so use hot keys for easy switching options for the location as necessary.
System requirements:
-OS: Windows XP SP2 or later.
-VIDEO: Graphics card with 64 MB of VRAM and pixel shaders or 4 texture units. Any card made in this millennium should work.
-RAM: 128 MB
-HDD: 400 MB
1. Set
2. Copy Unity.exe from the archive folder Crack Unity / Editor
3. Run and do =)
Information about the program:
Language: English | English
Enabling | reg code: Yes


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