تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج Ultra Audio Recorder
برنامج Ultra Audio Recorder لتسجيل الصوت على الكمبيوتر

[صورة: 100304092818669565.png]

كود :
Ultra Audio Recorder

Record any audible sound source such as Internet radio broadcasts (streaming audio) through the computer speakers.
Select desired sound quality before recording audio data.
Transfer live performances recorded by traditional equipment on your computer.
Save recordings as MP3, WAV or WMA format. Compressed MP3 sound files are usually small enough to publish on the Internet or to send as attachments in an E-mail message.
Transfer tapes to CD! On a CD player you can more easily jump to the fragment you need and also makes it easier to replay the same fragment over and over again.

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