تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج الحماية McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.7i
النسخة الأخيرة من مكافى McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.7i

[صورة: 3ea6c67202.jpg]

كود :
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise is an innovative technology for PCs and servers. It proactively stops and removes malicious software, extends coverage against new security risks, and reduces the cost of responding to outbreaks. Enterprises cannot afford to wait for every threat to be identified and a signature file to be released. The time between attack and subsequent identification is critical, and the shorter, the better. It's better yet if your protection technology identifies new, unknown threats.
* Get maximum protection
Gain maximum protection for your PCs and servers with combined anti-virus, firewall, and intrusion prevention technology
* Block multiple types of threats
Defend your systems against viruses, buffer overflows, and blended attacks
* Minimize damage
Limit the harm done to your PCs and servers with advanced outbreak functionality
* Stop threats that write to memory
Block threats that do not write to disk with in-memory scanning
* Prevent rootkit infestation
Stop rootkits and hidden files from installing
* Single console
Control and manage VirusScan from a single console with ePolicy Orchestrator and get detailed enterprise-level reporting
* Hacker-proof protection
Stop worrying about disruptions; malware or hackers cannot disable VirusScan Enterprise

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