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برنامج Movie Label 2011 v6.0.1.1232
برنامج Movie Label 2011 v6.0.1.1232
[صورة: 100216100013172175.jpg]

كود :
Movie Label helps you organize your movie collection. Add movies by typing title, barcode or scanning your harddrive for Divx etc. All information (including cover art) is automatically downloaded, no typing is required. Any type of video media (DVD, Blu-ray, Divx, etc) can be added. Movie Label comes with several different languages and fully supports Unicode. Movie Label is built on a solid database engine that ensures stability and speed no matter the size of the database. With Movie Label, a variety of reports can be printed and detailed statistics can be accessed.


    * Quickly get your movie library organized by typing the title or barcode.
    * Catalog any type of media (DVD, Blu-ray, VHS, LD, Divx, etc).
    * Scan your hard drive to find movie files and add them to your collection.
    * Keep track of movies on loan with the built-in loan manager.
    * Search and sort your collection with one click.
    * Print reports and watch a variety of statistics.
    * Export to various formats (HTML, XML, PDF, Excel, etc).
    * Export to Netwalk Movies (for iPhone/iPod) and bring your collection with you.
    * Keep a list of wanted and ordered items.
    * Create any number of databases of any size.


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