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برنامج O O Defrag v12.0.197 Professional Edition نسخة Portable
نسخة Portable من برنامج O O Defrag v12.0.197 Professional Edition

[صورة: 141tp3r.png]

كود :
Unleash the hidden performance of your computer with the minimum effort. O&O Defrag Professional Edition packs file fragments quickly and securely back together to optimize your hard disk under Windows. Its functionality ranges from a fully automated defragmentation to an individual professional set up. It can do everything a truly good defragmentation software should be able to do. The new background monitoring function helps to prevent fragmentation at source. Newly added and modified files are analyzed and defragmented whenever they are not being accessed. O&O Defrag makes sure that your hard disk is constantly performing at its peak.

The new O&O Defrag 12 Professional Edition activates the hidden performance of your computer. O&O Defrag optimizes your hard disk and effectively and securely packs file fragments back together. O&O Defrag includes an array of functions that a really good defragmentation software should offer, ranging from a fully automated defragmentation function to an expert settings option.

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