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Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition 2010
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition 2010
اخر اصدار من المعجم الاشهر و الاكثر مبيعا حول العالم
و من دار اكسفورد العريقة
مع تغيير بالواجهة الرئيسية و تغييرات اعمق بالاداة الجديدة
Oxford iWriter
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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition (NEW EDITION)
English level:

Upper-Intermediate to Advanced (B1-C2)

Editor: Joanna Turnbull

With over 35 million copies sold, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's bestselling dictionary, and the dictionary teachers and students love to use.
Key features
NEW 1,000 new words and meanings covering technology, lifestyle, slang,the economy (carbon trading, citizen journalism, malware, social bookmarking, stack it, staycation, X factor).
NEW Oxford 3000™Plus shows students the most important words to know in English and the most important meanings of those words.
NEW Academic Word List words marked.
NEW 32-page Oxford Writing Tutor helps students plan, write and review their written work.
NEW Topic Collocation notes and synonym information enables students to extend their vocabulary to over 7,500 words.
NEW 64-page Visual Vocabulary Builder with colour photos and illustrations.
NEW Oxford iWriter on CD-ROM an interactive tutor to help students plan, write and review their written work.
NEW Interactive whiteboard-friendly CD-ROM.
ISBN index |
Additional Information
NEW interactive whiteboard-friendly CD-ROM includes:
Oxford iWriter an interactive tutor to help students plan, write, and review their written work.
Thesaurus, Cultural Guide and Word origins integrated with the A-Z create a complete reference tool.
Example bank with 1,000s of extra example sentences.
Topic vocabulary banks make it easy to look up and learn words used in society and politics, science and technology, culture, and education.
Dictation exercises in a variety of accents to develop listening skills needed for passing exams.
Help with learning and teaching dictionary skills.
Exercises to practise and learn the Academic Word List.
NEW unlimited online access with audio:
Access to the complete A-Z dictionary.
Hear all headwords spoken to practise pronunciation.
ISBN index
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th EditionPaperback 978-0-19-479900-3
Paperback with CD-ROM 978-0-19-479902-7
Hardback with CD-ROM 978-0-19-479904-1
International Student's Edition (only available in certain markets) 978-0-19-479912-6
International Student's Edition with CD-ROM (only available in certain markets) 978-0-19-479914-0

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ولكن كامبريدج مازال يوفر كم اكبر من الكلمات (او بمعنى اخر, يمكنك فى كامبريدج البحث عن الكلمات التى هى موجودة كاجزء من مرادف, فى اوكسفورد هذه الأجزاء متوفرة لكن غالبا لا يمكنك البحث عنها)...
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