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لعبة The Punisher للتحميل ثلاث روابط فقط
اللعبة الشهيرة

The Punisher

لعبة اكشن وجريمة وصراعات الى ما لا نهاية

وهى لعبة من اشهر الألعاب العالمية

واليكم بعض الوصف باللغة الأنجليزية

The Punisher is a 2005 action game which stars the Marvel Comics anti-hero, The Punisher. After his family was murdered by the mafia, Frank Castle devoted his life to the punishment of those who do evil to others. Players take control of the vigilante hero to track down criminals and make them pay for their deeds. The game's story is a loose mixture of the 2004 film, as well as the 2000 mini-series, Welcome Back, Frank, written by Garth Ennis and pencilled by Steve Dillon (with the title character designed to look like Dillon's depiction of the character), wherein the Punisher has no aversion to committing acts of extreme (if not gratuitous) violence. A mobile phone game based on this series was also released.

Somewhat similar to Rockstar's controversial Manhunt, gameplay in The Punisher offers a combination of exploration, stealth, and combat. When he comes across an enemy, who could help further the mission or one simply deserving of punishment, the hero can attack immediately, or sneak up to perform a one-button "quick kill". Depending on the villain, the current location, and a player-determined level of aggression, one of the many gruesome and fatal assaults will be performed. The game's environments also feature interrogation "hot spots", where the vigilante can commit violent and torturous acts on his enemies, coercing them to share information that may help him in his quest.


صور اللعبة

[صورة: logo.jpg]

[صورة: reviews_games_punisher_l.jpg]

[صورة: s23254_ps2_19.jpg]



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