2008-02-21, 04:20 AM
السلام عليكم حبايبي
كنت عايز اضع اعلان ادسنس هنااااااااااااااا
ياريت الافادة جزاكم الله كل خير
![[صورة: 403279143.jpg]](http://www3.0zz0.com/2008/02/21/00/403279143.jpg)
وده index.php
وفي مشكلة تانية وهي اني كل ما احاول ارفع تكست او غيره
الاقيه يحولني على بلوج وموقع اخر
اعتقد ان المشكلة في ملف ال config
اللي مش عارف اعدله
ارجوا مساعدتكم
وده الملف
كنت عايز اضع اعلان ادسنس هنااااااااااااااا
ياريت الافادة جزاكم الله كل خير
![[صورة: 403279143.jpg]](http://www3.0zz0.com/2008/02/21/00/403279143.jpg)
وده index.php
PHP كود :
$downloaders = fopen("./uploader/".$userip.".mfh","r+");
while (!feof($downloaders)) {
$user[] = chop(fgets($downloaders,65536));
$youcantdownload = 0;
foreach ($user as $line) {
list($savedip,$savedtime) = explode('|',$line);
if ($savedip == $userip) {
if ($time < $savedtime + ($uploadtimelimit*60)) {
$youcantdownload = 1;
$downtimer = $time - $savedtime ;
$counter = $uploadtimelimit*60 - $downtimer;
if ($time < $savedtime + ($uploadtimelimit*60)) {
if($youcantdownload==1) {
?><center><table style="margin-top:0px;width:790px;height:400px;"><tr><td style="border:1px #AAAAAA solid;height:100%;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:20px;text-align:left;" valign=top><?
echo "<h1><center>Upload Time Limit</center></h1>";
?><****** type="text/java******">
var running = false
var endTime = null
var timerID = null
var totalMinutes = <?php echo $counter;?>;
function startTimer() {
running = true
now = new Date()
now = now.getTime()
endTime = now + (1000 * totalMinutes);
function showCountDown() {
var now = new Date()
now = now.getTime()
if (endTime - now <= 0) {
} else {
var delta = new Date(endTime - now)
var theMin = delta.getMinutes()
var theSec = delta.getSeconds()
var theTime = theMin
theTime += ((theSec < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + theSec
********.getElementById('SessionTimeCount').innerHTML = 'Please wait ( <font color="#FF0000">' + theTime + '</font> ) Minutes for Upload'
if (running) {
timerID = setTimeout("showCountDown()",1000)
<center><span id="SessionTimeCount"></span></center><br /><br /><br /><br />
$sizehosted = 0; //get the storage size hosted
$handle = opendir("./storage/");
while($file = readdir($handle)) {
$sizehosted = $sizehosted + filesize ("./storage/".$file);
if((is_dir("./storage/".$file.'/')) && ($file != '..')&&($file != '.'))
$sizehosted = $sizehosted + total_size("./storage/".$file.'/');
$sizehosted = round($sizehosted/1024/1024,2);
if(isset($allowedtypes)){ //get allowed filetypes.
$types = implode(", ", $allowedtypes);
$filetypes = "<b>$lang[allfile]</b> ".$types."<br /><br />";
} else { $filetypes = ""; }
if(isset($categories)){ //get categories
$categorylist = "$lang[cat2]: <select name=\"category\">";
foreach($categories as $category){
$categorylist .= "<option value=\"".$category."\">".$category."</option>";
$categorylist .= "</select><br />";
} else { $filetypes = ""; }
$p = $_GET['page'];
$p = "0";
include 'total.php';
if ($enhancedupload == "true") {
switch($p) {
case "tos": include("./pages/tos.php"); break;
case "faq": include("./pages/faq.php"); break;
default: include("./pages/upload.php"); break;
} else {
switch($p) {
case "tos": include("./pages/tos.php"); break;
case "faq": include("./pages/faq.php"); break;
default: include("./pages/upload2.php"); break;
وفي مشكلة تانية وهي اني كل ما احاول ارفع تكست او غيره
الاقيه يحولني على بلوج وموقع اخر
اعتقد ان المشكلة في ملف ال config
اللي مش عارف اعدله
ارجوا مساعدتكم
وده الملف
PHP كود :
$version = '2.0';
$sname = 'MFH v2.0';
$enhancedupload = "$content[58]";
// Set this to true to enable the progress bar (needs Perl)
$fop = fopen('secure/settings.mfh', 'r');
$content = fread($fop, '999');
$content = explode("|", $content);
$compname = "$content[0]";
//// Your Company Name
$slogan = "$content[1]";
//// Your Company Slogan
$******url = "$content[2]";
//// the URL to this ****** with a trailing slash
$u****** = "$content[55]";
//// the URL to the cgi-bin upload-****** (upload.pl)
$p****** = "$content[56]";
//// the URL to the cgi-bin progress-****** (progress.pl)
$configfile = "$content[57]";
//// the Name of the cgi-bin Config-File (e.G. "Uploads" without an Endings)
$domains[1] = "$content[44]";
$domains[2] = "$content[45]";
$domains[3] = "$content[46]";
$domains[4] = "$content[47]";
$domains[5] = "$content[48]";
$domains[6] = "$content[49]";
$domains[7] = "$content[50]";
$domains[8] = "$content[51]";
$domains[9] = "$content[52]";
$domains[10] = "$content[53]";
$rand = rand(1,10);
$multiserverx = $domains[$rand];
////Multiserver Configuration
$adminpass = $content[16];
//// set this password to something other than default
//// it will be used to access the admin panel
$email = $content[17];
//// your eMail-Adress for abuse/support and user registration page
$maxfilesize = $content[3];
//// the maximum file size allowed to be uploaded (in megabytes)
$downloadtimelimit = $content[4];
//// time users must wait before downloading another file (in minutes)
$uploadtimelimit = $content[5];
//// time users must wait before uploading another file (in minutes)
$nolimitsize = $content[6];
//// if a file is under this many megabytes, there is no time limit
$deleteafter = $content[7];
//// delete files if not downloaded after this many days
$downloadtimer = $content[8];
//// length of the timer on the download page (in seconds)
$language = $content[15];
if ($content[9]=="false")
$result9 = false;
$result9 = true;
$enable_filelist = $result9;
//// allows users to see a list of uploaded files. set to false to disable
if ($content[10]=="false")
$result10 = false;
$result10 = true;
$shourturl = $result10;
//// Short url Eg yourdomain.com/13232 needs mod_rewrite enabled. For More Info See Our Froum
if ($content[11]=="false")
$result11 = false;
$result11 = true;
$emailoption = $result11;
//// set this to true to allow users to email themselves the download links
if ($content[12]=="false")
$result12 = false;
$result12 = true;
$passwordoption = $result12;
//// set this to true to allow users to password protect their uploads
if ($content[13]=="false")
$result13 = false;
$result13 = true;
$de******ionoption = $result13;
//// set this to true to disable the de******ion field
if ($content[14]=="false")
$result14 = false;
$result14 = true;
$enable_topten = $result14;
//// Make It true if you want to enable Top ten files
if ($content[33]=="false")
$result33 = false;
$result33 = true;
$admin = $result33;
//// Make it true if you want to enable Admin-Link
if ($content[39]=="false")
$result39 = false;
$result39 = true;
$search = $result39;
//// Make it true if you want to enable Search-Link
//$categories = array("********s","Applications","Audio","Misc");
//// remove the //'s from the above line to enable categories
//// Users will be able to choose from this list of categories
//$allowedtypes = array("txt","gif","jpg","jpeg");
//// remove the //'s from the above line to enable file extention blocking
//// only file extentions that are noted in the above array will be allowed
$dlspeed = $content[34];
//// the maximum download-speed for free-users (in kb - kilobytes)
$pps1 = $content[18];
//// the hits shows on admin's filelist
$pps2 = $content[19];
//// the hits shows on filelist
$pps3 = $content[20];
//// the hits shows on admin's downloadslist
$pps4 = $content[43];
//// the hits shows on admin's downloadslist
$pps5 = $content[43];
//// the hits shows on admin's downloadslist
$style = $content[21];
//// The Style of your MiniFileHost
$your_name = $content[26];
//// Your Name
$your_street = $content[22];
//// Your Street
$your_city = $content[23];
//// Your Name
$your_url = $content[24];
//// Your Internet-Adress
$your_phone = $content[25];
//// Your Phone-Number
$your_aemail = $content[27];
//// Your Abuse-EMail
$sendmail="[email protected]";
////Link SendMail and AbuseMail Adresse
if ($content[38]=="false")
$result38 = false;
$result38 = true;
$multi_upload_slots = $result38;
////Enable/Disable multiple upload slots = true or false
$searchhits = $content[41];
//// The Number of Search-Hits per Page
$notalloweddfiletypes = "/(\.sh)|(\.php)|(\.php2)|(\.php3)|(\.php4)|(\.php5)|(\.php6)|(\.shtml)|(\.htaccess)|(\.cgi)|(\.pl)|(\.phtml)|(\.phtm)|(\.pif)|(\.xhtml)|(\.dhtml)|(\.html)|(\.htm)|(\.xhtm)|(\.py)$/";
////Show Not Allowed Files in Startpage and in Upload.php
if ($content[40]=="false")
$result40 = false;
$result40 = true;
$uploadsecuritycode = $result40;
//// set this to true to UPLOAD Seuritycode
if ($content[42]=="false")
$result42 = false;
$result42 = true;
$pfolder = $result42;
//// set this to true to UPLOAD Seuritycode