تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج Winrar 3.93 نسخة portable
نسخة portable من عملاق ضغط الملفات Winrar 3.93
[صورة: 1268735098_121rk2v.jpg]

كود :
WinRAR 3.93 Final (32/64 bit) (+Portable) MultiLang WinRAR is Windows version of the RAR archiver - a powerful tool which allows you to create, manage and control archive files. RAR features include: * Highly sophisticated, original compression algorithm * Special compression algorithms optimized for text, audio, graphics data, 32 and 64-bit Intel executables * Better compression than similar tools, using 'solid' archiving * Authenticity verification (registered version only) * Self-extracting archives and volumes (SFX) * Ability to recover physically damaged archives * Locking, password, file order list, file security & more ... Title: WinRAR Version: 3.93 Final (32/64 bit) (+Portable) Developer: RarLab Homepage: rarlab.com Updated: 2010.03 License / Price: 34,22$(patch) Language: Multilanguage Platform: Windows 98/2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7 Size: 10.3 mb Download


ومن لا يريد نسخة Portable الرابط التالى به نفس النسخة لكن ليست portable
احزر تسلم وتعامل بذكاء ولا تكرر اخطائك
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التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 3 ) ضيف كريم