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برنامج Network LookOut Administrator Pro v2.6.8 كامل
برنامج Network LookOut Administrator Professional v2.6.8
[صورة: 6keihk0.jpg]
البرنامج الغنى عن التعريف فى ادارة الشبكات
البرنامج يمكنك بكل سهولة من رؤية شاشات الأجهزة التى تتصل بها
او التحكم بالفأرة او لوحة المفاتيح عن بعد من خلال البرنامج
وهذا بعض وصف البرنامج بالأنجليزية

The Network LookOut Administrator Professional allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is especially useful when you need to assist the person who uses the remote computer. If you are an administrator, you can easily administer remote computers from your computer. To increase your efficiency the console now include several tolls that can be executed on all or just selected remote computers. Application works through Internet, LAN, WLAN or VPN. Agent can be remotely installed. Communication uses encrypted data streams.

What does it do?
It allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is especially useful when you need to assist the person who uses the remote computer. If you are an administrator, you can easily administer remote computers from your computer.

[صورة: nmemployees_pro_box.gif]

[صورة: download.gif]

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