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مضاد الفايروسات الشهير Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations
مضاد الفايروسات الشهير Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations

[صورة: 332t5s10.jpg]

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Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations MP4 CF1 (Eng/Rus/Deu) | 242 MB

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations - a universal means of information protection. The program provides not only antivirus protection but also protection against spam and network attacks. Also, the components of the anti-virus can protect your computer from unknown threats and Internet fraud, control user access to the Internet. For each source of threats to the separate components of the program, providing its control and the necessary measures to prevent harmful effects of this source to user data. Such a defensive system allows to adjust the program to their specific needs or enterprise as a whole.

Kaspersky Updater with GUI - update utility designed to download and save in a separate directory update databases and application modules of Kaspersky Lab. C it means you can download updates for selected applications Kaspersky Lab, established in your network or home computer. The utility has the ability to save the downloaded database and avtopatchi a local folder, a network directory, which is connected as a drive to the file system of your computer, or on flash-drive. Utility updates and articles in this section are provided in test mode! The archive is added to the program GUI-interface (a screenshot) - very handy thing!

Year: 2010
Activation / Registration Code: Yes
Language: Eng/Rus/Deu
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 32/64 bit

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