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برنامج NetCut 2.08 Final لقطع الانترنت عن الاخرين ( وحمايه نفسك)
[صورة: netcut.jpg]

البرنامج الشهير في فصل النت وقطعه عن المتواجدين علي شبكه النت
وهو بسيط لا يحتاج الي شرح

NetCut 2.08 Final | 5.4Mb

NetCut is a solution that is helping you to admin your network based only on ARP protocol . It can execute several tasks as list IP-MAC table in seconds, turn off & on network on any computer on your LAN including any device like router or switcher. Also, NetCut can protected users from ARP SPOOF attacks.

NetCut is very easy to use. You need just one click to protect user computer function. No one in the network can cut you off with ARP spoof technology anymore .

Also, you can cut down any computer's network connection to the gateway in a split of a second.
Get all IP addresses of the computers in your LAN instantly
Works in office LAN, school LAN or even ISP LAN
No one will be able to trace out what happen

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