2009-02-12, 02:12 AM
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2009
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2009
نبذة عن الكتاب
CMDT delivers the most current insights into signs, symptoms, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment for over 1,000 diseases and disorders. Turn to any topic, and you'll find on-the-spot, evidence-based answers that reflect the most recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. This concise, authoritative reference gets you up to speed--fast--on the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more.
Putting you and the experts on the same page:
* Comprehensive coverage of inpatient and outpatient care, focusing on the diagnostic tools relevant to your day-to-day practice
* Full review of all primary care topics, including gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, and urology
* Only text with an annual review of advances in HIV treatment
* “Essentials of Diagnosis” for most diseases/disorders
* Hundreds of quick-access drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated drug prices
* ICD codes featured on inside covers
* Diagnostic and treatment algorithms present important information in an at-a-glance style
* Up-to-date references provide peer-reviewed, evidence-based information
معلومات الكتاب
48ed 2008
1728 pages
50,5 MB
لغة الكتاب: English
نوع الملف: محول pdf بي دي اف
للتحميل : اضغط هــــــــــــــــنــــــــــــــــــــــــا
اتمنى ان ينال الكتاب رضاكم
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2009
نبذة عن الكتاب
CMDT delivers the most current insights into signs, symptoms, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment for over 1,000 diseases and disorders. Turn to any topic, and you'll find on-the-spot, evidence-based answers that reflect the most recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. This concise, authoritative reference gets you up to speed--fast--on the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more.
Putting you and the experts on the same page:
* Comprehensive coverage of inpatient and outpatient care, focusing on the diagnostic tools relevant to your day-to-day practice
* Full review of all primary care topics, including gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, and urology
* Only text with an annual review of advances in HIV treatment
* “Essentials of Diagnosis” for most diseases/disorders
* Hundreds of quick-access drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated drug prices
* ICD codes featured on inside covers
* Diagnostic and treatment algorithms present important information in an at-a-glance style
* Up-to-date references provide peer-reviewed, evidence-based information
معلومات الكتاب
48ed 2008
1728 pages
50,5 MB
لغة الكتاب: English
نوع الملف: محول pdf بي دي اف
للتحميل : اضغط هــــــــــــــــنــــــــــــــــــــــــا
اتمنى ان ينال الكتاب رضاكم