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برنامج تغيير ايقونات المجلدات Change Folder Icons 8.1 ...
برنامج تغيير ايقونات المجلدات Change Folder Icons 8.1 ...

[صورة: o8i5ug.jpg]

كود :
Change Folder Icons - the only one of its kind tool to turn plain standard folder icons into other bright and colourful icons found.

Don't you know how to change standard yellow folder to a bright and colourful? Change Folder Icons - a small, but powerful and useful utility for Windows, allows you to find thousands of icons in your computer and make changes of Windows folder icons simply and fast.

new! New version of Change Folder Icons with Absolutely new Interface!!! It provides almost all the possibilities of working with folders, icons, icon libreries. Now you can see the directory of catalogues with your changed icons. You can display Advanced search options in main window. The most important is that you can configurate the interface at your desire. More opportunities of working with the list of icons.

With the help of this program you can:

* change an icon of the folder simply and quickly by pressing the right mouse button on it and selecting pop-up menu item "Change Folder Icon"

* change icons for several folders in one run or cycle of searching

* change an icon of the drive as well as folder by selecting the item "Change Drive Icon" from the drive pop-up menu

* search icons in all your computer files starting with the selected folder

* search icons with specified parameters "Number of colors" and "Size in pixels";

* extract icons from any type of files (.exe, .dll, .lib, .icl etc.)

* export all icons from the file to .ico-files (the last two functions work in Win'95 too)

* find all folder icons changed by another program or manually and make them portable to another place and independent from the icon source files so then you can change location of sources or delete them, copy folders to another computer or drive, but icons are still available (you can use this function in Windows'XP too, where there is built-in function to change Folder Icons, but icons are dependent from sources)

* set description for folders, which you can see in Windows Explorer

* make your own libraries from found icons and share them with your friends.

حجم البرنامج: 5.22MB
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