تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج تحكم الشبكة SwitchSniffer كامل اصدار 1.3.2
برنامج SwitchSniffer الإصدار 1.3.2
[صورة: 000ee757_medium.jpeg]
البرنامج كامل ان شاء الله
وهذه بعض المعلومات عن البرنامج

كود :
SwitchSniffer is a program that can scan your switched LAN for up hosts and can reroute and collect all packets without the target users' recognition. It can also detect the ‘arpspoofer’ program running on the network and block user definable sessions like firewall. If you use this program in tandem with any sniffer program, you can capture and see the users’ IDs and passwords on a switched network.

SwitchSniffer has the following features:
SwitchSniffer can poll and collect all the packets on the switched LAN.
SwitchSniffer can scan and display the active hosts on the LAN quickly, and automatically.
While spoofing ARP tables, SwitchSniffer can act as another gateway (or ip-forwarder) without other users' recognition on the LAN.
It can collect and forward packets by selecting inbound, outbound, and both to be sent to the Internet.
An ARP table is recovered automatically in about 30 seconds. But, SwitchSniffer can keep spoofing continuously by updating the target computer’s ARP table more frequently.
If one or more network interface cards are installed on a computer, you can choose which NIC you would like SwitchSniffer to scan and spoof through.
SwitchSniffer can display information about the amount of data transferred to and from the internet.
SwitchSniffer can detect if any computer on the LAN is running an ‘arpspoofer’ program.
SwitchSniffer can filter: sessions, local hosts, and remote hosts.
The installation of the ‘winpcap’ driver is not necessary for SwitchSniffer.
SwitchSniffer can manage the local hosts based on MAC Address.
SwitchSniffer can act as a plug-and-played router.
SwitchSniffer can export the data of view into an excel file.

SwitchSniffer has the following benefits:
SwitchSniffer can find the hidden hosts on the LAN, which is not found by IP-Scanners.
SwitchSniffer can find if abnormal hosts are connected to your wireless network.
SwitchSniffer protects your network from abnormal users.
SwitchSniffer can check if there are abnormal packets on the LAN.
SwitchSniffer allows you to capture user IDs, passwords, chat sessions and web sessions etc., on the switched network through the use of a sniffer application.
SwitchSniffer can block the local hosts based on MAC Address.
SwitchSniffer can resolve the problem of IP Collision.
SwitchSniffer can find out the country name by ip address on remote.
SwitchSniffer enables you to monitor all the packets on a switch network.

System Requirement
Local : Windows nt4/2000/xp/2003, 25MB free main memory, Network adapter which supports promiscuous mode.
Remote : All computers including network devices must support Ethernet


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